The editor for Starcraft 2 is currently broken. Two errors that me. I would post an image, but I can't seem to be able to. Thanks, -Dimento.
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Hello, I'm getting starded witch the SC2 editor and I can't log to with it.When I try to log in to publish a map, it saysThis account has no StarCraft II character associated with it. Please log in from the game first to create a character, then try again.I'm playing on the EU server.In the editor, I can only choose the (Default) region I searched on google to find help and found 3 threads on the battle net forums:1 Change region to Americas.2 Start game and create Character.3 Exit game.4 Start editor.5 Now u can change region to Europe.It didn't work.Same, it didn't work.If someone can help me.Thanks.
The only reference a mapper can make to a Bank File within the SC2 Editor is via the Bank File's name - and changing this will mostly likely not help you. If you are trying is load your 'online' bank file when playing offline, you can do this by physically coping the bank file from you Account folder ( My DocumentsStarcraft IIAccountsSome numbersSome more numbersBanks) to your offline banks folder ( My DocumentsStarcraft IIBanks)Note that if the map uses Verification function on the Bank file, then you will need to remove this action in map. Also it will mean that you cannot use the bank file that you have used offline online again. Click to expand.If you were able to open it in the editor by going to the tab and found the map by searching for it in the editor, it is not protected and it is therefore not at all against the rules. The fact that you didn't find the triggers does not mean that it is protected in this case.I would suggest you go into the import module and see if there's any imported scripts. It could've been inserted directly into the map script so try checking the checkbox to show default stuff as well (Can't remember exactly what it's called.
Been a long time since I did that kind of stuff). Thank for removing the PM.Actually, I found the map in the old cache files, so I am not sure if it is in the tab. I'll look for it.I have read a protected map will not import into the editor so perhaps it is not protected. There is nothing however in the trigger editor.
I only see galaxy script code.I did find where the bank file is being verified and bypassed that, but the map still does not run as expected. Thinking that perhaps trying to play single player was causing the strange behavior, I reuploaded the map and tried to play it. The map includes a tutorial mode. Only the PLAY TUTORIAL button is active in the lobby.
This is the main reason Microsoft doesn'twant you to mix file systems; it simply confuses people.When you're running partitions larger than 32GB, you should reallyformat them as NTFS. If you choose to use FAT, anything over 2GB should beformatted FAT32. NOTEFile systems are terribly complex and a subject far beyond what I can coverin a Windows book. It simply does not appear in Windows Explorer or is notavailable from your applications.
Both the PLAY and CREATE game buttons are grayed out. Also a screen shot is missing (but was there when last played online)Strange to be sure.